Digitization and the implementation of marketing technologies are currently at top of the agenda of many companies. Why? Because optimizing marketing spend and processes is more important now than ever. This is due to the fact that budgets are currently ...

Social networks are nothing new and here to stay but especially LinkedIn is getting more and more popular these days. Also the range of online courses and experts who offer this courses are growing and so in March 2021 I ...

Regardless of whether you want to create a strategy, a new product, a solution or a concept in which external partners, customers or internal stakeholders are involved, you will find yourself in workshops. If you are responsible for moderating the ...

In 2017, I looked at the topic of programmatic advertising and created a slide deck that will give you a quick and comprehensive overview of this very interesting marketing technology and trend. Although 3 years have passed the slide deck ...

Nowadays, when the word metadata is mentioned, you might quickly think of additional information that has to be maintained manually in different applications. However metadata have incredible potential and are the essential basis for applications in the field of artificial ...

The Styrian Oak, The Governator, Mr. Univers and definitely one of Austria's flagship model. He earned all these names and his biography was very impressive and at the same time extremely motivating. ...

For the majority of people Artificial Intelligence, or short AI, is is basically a frequently used buzzword. Almost everyone has already heard about it in combination with smartphones, cars or other technologies but most of the people don’t know how ...

Sometimes you just need someone who is able to describe and explain things in a certain way. In my case Dr. Manfred Winterheller was able to adapt my mindset, not much, but enough to change my life sustainably ...